Measuring Stock Liquidity

Measuring Stock Liquidity Certificate

Coursera Project Network


  • Use Average Daily Traded Volume and Share Turnover to measure liquidity

  • Use Depth of Market (DOM) and Bid-Ask Spread to compare liquidity

  • Use Variance Ratio to quantify liquidity

    Learn how to use Average Daily Traded Volume and Share Turnover to measure liquidity, use Depth of Market (DOM) and Bid-Ask Spread to compare liquidity, and use Variance Ratio to quantify liquidity. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions. This course’s content is not intended to be investment advice and does not constitute an offer to perform any operations in the regulated or unregulated financial market.


    Financial Data AnalysisStock Analysis

    Learn step-by-step


    In a video that plays in a split-screen with your work area, your instructor will walk you through these steps:

    1. What is Liquidity?

    2. Average Daily Traded Volume and Share Turnover

    3. Depth of Market (DOM)

    4. Bid-Ask Spread

    5. Variance Ratio

    6. Technical analysis implications

Boris Kisov


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10+ years of initiating and delivering sustained results and effective change for companies across a wide range of industries including
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