Credentials: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/professional-cert/PTHGHEMHBFXH
Course Certificates Completed
Python for Data Science and AI
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Getting Started with AI using IBM Watson
Building AI Applications with Watson APIs
Introduction to Computer Vision with Watson and OpenCV
Building AI Powered Chatbots Without Programming
- Understand the definition of AI, its applications and use cases, and explain terms like machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks
- Create AI chatbots and virtual assistants without any programming and deploy them on a website
- Build AI-powered solutions using IBM Watson AI services, APIs, and Python with minimal coding
- Apply computer vision techniques using Python, OpenCV, & Watson and develop custom image classification models and deploy them to the Cloud
Kickstart your career in artificial intelligence. Learn Python, build a chatbot, explore machine learning and computer vision, and leverage IBM Watson.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our world. Whether you’re a student, a developer, or a technology consultant – understanding AI and knowing how to create AI-powered applications can give you an edge in your career. This Professional Certificate is designed to arm you with the skills to work as an AI developer.
This program will give you a firm understanding of AI technology, its applications, and its use cases. You will become familiar with concepts and tools like machine learning, data science, natural language processing, image classification, image processing, IBM Watson AI services, OpenCV, and APIs. Even if you have no programming background, through this Professional Certificate, you will learn practical Python skills to design, build, and deploy AI applications on the web. The courses will also enable you to apply pre-built AI smarts to your products and solutions.
Rather than create complex AI algorithms and interfaces from scratch, you’ll use IBM Watson AI services and APIs to create smart applications with minimal coding. By the end of this Professional Certificate, you will have completed several projects that showcase proficiency in applying AI and building AI-powered solutions.
In addition to earning a Professional Certificate from Coursera, you’ll also receive a digital badge from IBM recognizing your proficiency in applied AI.
Applied Learning Project
This Professional Certificate contains a number of hands-on learning projects that will help develop your understanding of AI concepts and tools. Projects include building your own AI chatbot; practicing Python for data science; building, training, and testing your own custom image classifiers; and creating your own computer vision web application and deploying it to the Cloud.
Boris Kisov

Innovation, IT & Management
10+ years of initiating and delivering sustained results and effective change for companies across a wide range of industries including
innovation, enterprise software, digital marketing, start-ups, advertising technology, e-commerce and government.